
Dennis Pagen has been writing about sport aviation—hang gliding, paragliding, ultralights and weather that affects them—since 1975. He has written twelve books and over 400 articles in trade magazines, all related to flying for fun. There doesn’t seem to be an end to this activity, for as sports continue to evolve, new techniques and experiences demand definition.

The author was raised in Port Huron, Michigan and educated at Michigan State University where he majored in physics and elctrical engineering. Upon graduation, he decided to see more of the world and traveled through Europe and Asia for three years.

When he returned to the U.S. in 1973 he witnessed personal flight for the very first time. This was hang gliding and he fell in love with the sport. After settling in Pennsylvania and buying a glider, he learned to soar and decided to devote himself to mankind’s age-old dream of free flight.

Dennis researched and wrote his first book, Flying Conditions, in 1975. This same year he got involved with the United States Hang Gliding Association Board of Directors and has served on this board ever since. During his tenure Dennis wrote the USHPA Instructor’s Manual and helped develop many of the training and rating programs.

In the late seventies, Dennis expanded his interest to ultralights. He has been involved with the USUA and its competition committee and has run many of their contests.

In 1989, he chose to take up the lightest and newest aviation sport, paragliding. This booming sport was a great addition to his flying experience. Dennis thrives for any new aerial experience today. His further activity in flying consists of designing light aircraft, instructing and running meets as well as competing himself.

In 2005 he inspired and edited what became the best selling resource for paramotor pilots, the Powered Paragliding Bible by Jeff Goin.